The United States has some of the most progressive laws and regulations surrounding surrogacy. While things like IVF and Alternate Reproductive Technology methods are protected on a federal level, specific laws surrounding surrogacy agreements and the process are mandated on…
All pregnancies come with some level of risk. One of those risks is gestational diabetes, which affects both the surrogate and the baby throughout the pregnancy. Roughly 2-10% of pregnancies in the United States are affected by gestational diabetes every…
One of the most important parts of the surrogacy process is IVF, or in-vitro fertilization. This is a highly monitored and vital medical process that allows for egg donation and embryo creation. It is also a process that allows a…
Managing your presence on social media is difficult enough without the added stress of having to explain the surrogacy journey. Questions about the pregnancy will be unavoidable in your day-to-day, conversations that may be difficult to have if the other…
As a surrogate, you are already giving your Intended Parents the greatest gift that anyone could– a child. However, as the pregnancy progresses and the Intended Parents are getting closer to dropping the “Intended” you may feel compelled to give…