Egg Donation Process

Thank you for considering Simple Surrogacy to help you connect with a deserving couple or individual to achieve their dreams of having a family. It takes an extraordinary and caring woman to consider giving such an enormous gift.

We have launched an Egg Donor Specialty site to improve our Egg Donors services. Apply now on our site to become an Egg Donor at Simple Surrogacy!


Donating eggs is very easy and Simple! We have an online profile that you can complete on your mobile device or computer. Save and come back to complete it anytime. We then review your profile and will email you, call you or text you to confirm you are onboard.  Please make sure to return our calls and texts or emails within three days so we can get you into the program. You can select your donation preferences right on your profile, such as the type of couple or single you are open to donating to. The more choices you select, the more you increase your chances of getting picked.



How do we keep it Simple?

  • Simple Fee: We charge one of the lowest fees in the industry among programs with similar experience and success. We’ll provide you full service without having to pay for it. Simple Surrogacy is proud to offer a low donation fee, along with Escrow and Medical management to better fit the needs of our clients. Escrow fee additional. Please visit our Services and Fees page to learn more.
  • Simple Process: We streamline the process for each individual journey and handle all financial and legal aspects issues. We know every egg donation is unique. That’s why we will discuss your needs, concerns, and expectations in the beginning to insure you a pleasant journey.
  • Simple Support: Our dedicated team will be there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All our clients are provided with a direct number to their personal coordinator or a staff member working on their case. Please feel free to call day or night with any questions, concerns, or even if you just need someone to lean on. In the event your personal coordinator leaves town, is sick, or on vacation during your journey, we will provide you with alternate contact information.
  • Simple Reference: We offer all prospective clients the contact information to former clients who have utilized our program so they can feel comfortable in knowing they have made a great choice when choosing Simple Surrogacy to assist them.


How to Donate Eggs

Simple Surrogacy handles anonymous, open, and semi-open donor arrangements. You will need to decide which is the right option for you before your profile is submitted to the Intended parents. Please be sure to select flattering photos for your profile, and please do as many as you can: full length, baby photos, siblings and parents are all great photos to share! Photos often help an Egg Donor get chosen first.

  • Anonymous donation is the most common. If you choose this type of surrogacy, you will not be given any information about your Recipient Parent/s, they will not be given any information about you, and it is possible that you will not be informed as to whether a pregnancy occurs.
  • In semi-open donation, a small amount of information is exchanged between the IP’s and the Egg Donor.  You will be given some very basic information about them (first names, ages, etc.) before going forward with the egg donation process. If you agree to donate for them, you are matched!
  • Open Egg Donation is just that, open. All information about the parties is shared, and you agree to keep the lines of communication open with the IPs potentially throughout the life of the children. In open donation, you are given the opportunity to review the Intended Parent(s) profile before agreeing to be matched and may speak on the phone or even meet in person if the parties desire.

After you decide which kind of arrangement you prefer, you can apply to be an egg donor with our online application form. Then you will be available to be matched!


If you get matched with your IP(s), you will undergo psychological and medical screening. The screening process takes place to ensure you are in healthy physical condition and to confirm that you are a good candidate for egg donation. This includes evaluation of your hormone levels and testing for genetic diseases.

You will also undergo testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), as will your spouse/partner when applicable. You will meet with a clinical psychologist who specializes in third party reproduction and be administered the MMPI, which is a psychological assessment test.

When contracts are negotiated and signed, your compensation will be deposited into Escrow, and you will then begin medication to synchronize your cycle with the Recipient Mother’s (or Gestational Surrogate’s) cycle. Simple Surrogacy will absolutely go over all the information with you to make sure you understand the cycle and medication instructions, as it is vital that all directions are followed precisely.

While the Recipient Mother or Gestational Surrogate is being prepared via medication and monitoring for the upcoming embryo transfer, you may be directed to go on birth control pills for a short period of time before starting Lupron injections.
You will be monitored via ultrasound and blood tests at your Recipient Parents’ clinic or a satellite clinic near your home. Then you will begin taking the follicle stimulating hormone, which is used to stimulate the development of multiple eggs.

Lastly, the reproductive endocrinologist will instruct you when to take the final HCG injection, which will prepare your ovaries to release the eggs from your follicles. The retrieval will be scheduled for 36 hours after the HCG shot. Once the eggs are ready to be harvested, a fertility specialist identifies the eggs to be retrieved; a needle is passed through the top wall of the vagina and is inserted into the ovary to remove an egg. This process is repeated for each egg, and it usually takes 30 to 60 minutes total. You will be under sedation during this process and will not feel anything. After about 20 minutes of recovery, the donor can go home.

You will return for an exam after your retrieval, so you should take into account that you must not have intercourse until you have your next period due to greater chance of becoming pregnant. Once retrieved, the eggs may undergo testing; if they’re okay, they are fertilized (with sperm) and grown in the lab for 2 – 3 days in a Petri dish before being inserted into the recipient’s uterus. Any remaining embryos will likely be cryogenically frozen.
The Recipient Mother (or Gestational Surrogate) will take a pregnancy test 8-14 days after the transfer. If the test is positive… you have helped create a new life and brought joy and happiness to a couple who could not have fulfilled their dreams without your help. Congratulations!


Potential risks for women who donate eggs

If you want to become an egg donor, please consider the following potential risks:

  • Bruising or hemorrhaging of the ovary from the needle used to retrieve the eggs.
  • Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome — nowadays a very rare occurrence. This is a series of negative side effects experienced over a two-week period following the release of many eggs. This condition is caused by high hormone levels resulting from hyper stimulated and enlarged ovaries due to fertility drugs, particularly FSH, used for egg growth.
  • Long-term consequences that are not fully known.

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