Service & Fees

We pride ourselves in providing outstanding personal service at competitive pricing. Our Agency Fee Includes over $5,375 in value for included services:

$750 Background Checks for all parties

$1,500 Intended Parent’s Psychological evaluation (MMPI additional)

$500 Credit Check and Child abuse registry check

$550 Virtual home visit

$300 Medical records review by RE

$595 Insurance review for carrier

$750 Insurance applications support for carrier/IPs

$1,500 Escrow Oversight (Does not include Escrow management to outside vendor)


Agency Fee (Gestational Carrier) Inquire about MHB, GWK discounts$36,500

Agency fee includes psychological assessment of Intended Parents, background and criminal check of all parties by licensed private investigators, recruitment of your gestational surrogate carrier, matching of carrier and client, unlimited rematching, review of surrogate’s insurance policy by 3rd party Insurance professional, referral to and/or coordination of medical procedures and screenings with your clinic, coordination of travel arrangements, referral to attorneys experienced in practice of reproductive law, oversight of escrow account (management fees separate), coordination of birth arrangements with delivery hospital, coordination of DNA testing as needed after birth, assistance obtaining birth certificates, ongoing counseling, mediation and coordination of arrangement, and managing your case from beginning to end with professional coordinators. Also includes gifts to the Surrogate and Intended Parents, surrogate get together, support, and 24-hour availability for surrogates. We handle everything your surrogacy needs for one fee. DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY LEGAL FEES OR ESCROW MANAGEMENT FEES

Agency fee $36,500
$16,500 due when signing Retainer Agreements
$10,000 due when Surrogate clears in-person medical screening
$10,000 due upon execution of Gestational Surrogacy Agreement

Third Party fees separate and Not Included- Attorney Fees and Expenses, Clinical fees, Psych evaluation fees or MMPI (if required by your clinic) and Escrow Account fees.

Legal Contracts (Estimated for TX Matches)$3,000- $5,750

Includes contract drafting and reviews for Intended Parent(s) and Surrogate. Intended Parent(s) and/or Surrogate must reside in Texas and use associated attorneys. Outside attorneys incur additional fees. Cost is additional to regular agency fee. Does not include Validation for married couples or Post Birth Parental establishment for unmarried couples or singles.

$3,000 Due upon signing of Legal Match Agreement Other states: Starting at $3,000 for contracts, rising to $13,000 including contract and Pre-Birth Order

Traditional Surrogacy Fee$5,500

Covers all services above, but manages matching with a Traditional Surrogate. Cost is in addition to regular agency fee. Traditional surrogacy is an unsettled area of law, and your traditional surrogacy agreement may be declared void as against public policy by the courts and/or legislature, or held unenforceable, in whole or in part, by a court of law. DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY LEGAL FEES OR ESCROW FEES


International Fee (Optional)$3,000

Intended Parent(s) residing outside of the United States or utilizing a Canadian Surrogate have the option to have Simple Surrogacy handle their International Coordination. Some Intended Parents prefer for their attorney, or International Advocate to handle the international coordination.

This coordination covers the coordination for baby’s insurance application, advice for Parents on how to obtain International passports, domestic birth certificates, international attorney coordination and/or citizenship referrals in their home country,  and insurance coordination for the babies. This can also include payments to VRBOs or Air BNBs IPs are staying at, as well as collecting all Journey documents for baby’s citizenship in your home country.


Consultation for Independent Journeys$350/hour

This service is for Intended Parent(s) who have found their own Gestational Carrier but do not know the necessary steps to take to get their surrogate professionally screened, interviewed, background checked, and do not know how to obtain her past delivery records, organize those records for clearance by the clinic, and get all necessary HIPPA forms, and medical documentation. We can also assist with background checks of your surrogate and her spouse,  and check her insurance for surrogacy exclusions. We can consult on obtaining her surrogacy friendly insurance, and life insurance and other insurances usually available only to Agency surrogates. We can also assist with managing Escrow disbursements.  We are also available for support and coordination services throughout your journey.

This service can involve you asking us how to handle these items and you handle them yourself, or you can avail us of our resources to take care of these items for you and invoice you those fees.

Billed at a $350/hour rate in 30 minute increments. Any additional outside costs will be invoiced separately.

Concierge Services for Surrogacy or Egg Donation Clients$250/hour

This service is for Intended Parent(s) who request additional assistance during their journey in addition to the full services we provide. These services can entail securing apartments or rentals for out of town Intended Parents, baby registries, you name it, we can handle it for you.

This service can involve you asking us how to handle these items and you handle them yourself, or you can avail us of our resources to take care of these items for you and invoice you those fees.

Billed at a $250/hour rate in 30 minute increments. Any additional outside costs will be invoiced separately.


Gestational Surrogate Matching Program

Agency fee includes psychological assessment of surrogate, background and criminal check of surrogate by licensed private investigators, review of surrogate’s insurance policy, if applicable, referral to attorneys experienced in practice of reproductive law, coordination of the medical process of IVF or IUI, surrogate support throughout the process and escrow account oversight. If your surrogate does not pass the background or criminal check, we will upgrade you to our regular program for only the additional program fee.

Please call for current rates and requirements to enter this program


Surrogate Coordination Program (Bring your own Surrogate)-$8,000

Agency fee includes psychological assessment of Intended Parents, background and criminal check of surrogate by licensed private investigators, review of surrogate’s insurance policy, if applicable, referral to attorneys experienced in practice of reproductive law, coordination of the medical process of IVF or IUI, surrogate support throughout the process and escrow oversight. Compensation is not negotiated in coordination only. If your surrogate does not pass the background or criminal check, we will upgrade you to our regular program for only the additional discounted program fee.

Discount of $8,000 if you bring your own surrogate to the program and we coordinate and screen her.

Coordination for a Traditional Surrogate$2,000

Covers all services above, but coordinates a Traditional Surrogacy Cost and is in addition to normal coordination only fee.



Egg Donation Program$9,500

Agency Retainer Fee includes matching Intended Parents with an Egg Donor, psychologically and medically screening said donor (at IP’s expense for screening), arranging for the drafting and review of the donor contract, coordinating all travel arrangements, and escrow oversight. DOES NOT INCLUDE LEGAL CONTRACTS or ESCROW MANAGEMENT. Legal contracts are an additional $1,000-$1,500. Escrow is $350.

Hourly fee for additional information to what is available on donor profile is billed in advance at $250/hr.

Total Fee: $9,500

$5,500 due at donor selection $4,000 due when donor passes screening, before contracts are signed. Second fee for current clients of Simple Surrogacy’s Surrogacy program: $3,000

International Egg Donation Program Fee$1,000

Intended Parent(s) residing outside of the United States will be charged an International Program Fee. Cost is in addition to our regular program fee.



Blood Screening Panel for Carrier & Partner$600-$1,200

FDA Required Infectious Disease Testing of Surrogate and Surrogate’s Spouse or Significant Other. *Costs vary based on lab or clinic.* Note: Some insurance providers will cover infectious disease screening. Simple Surrogacy gets preferential rates with many clinics in the state of Texas. For this reason, the costs for medical screening in the state of Texas are less expensive compared to other states.


Surrogate's Medical and Psychological Evaluation$800 - $2,500

Consultation and examination of Surrogate by a Reproductive Endocrinologist  and Psychologist *Costs vary by location and clinic* Note: Some insurance providers will cover the Surrogate’s annual physical that includes pap smear, pelvic exam, and infectious disease screening. Simple Surrogacy gets preferential rates with many clinics in the state of Texas. For this reason, the costs for medical screening in the state of Texas are less expensive compared to other states.

$800 – $2,500

Psychological Evaluation of GC$1,000- $2,500

Typically one session with a licensed Psychologist to determine Surrogate’s suitability. Note: Some clinics require their own psychological protocol. That cost is not included in the Program Fee.

$1,000 for Regular Psych, MMPI or PAI billed at cost, Paid through escrow.

Criminal Background CheckIncluded

County, State, and Federal Criminal Background Check and Sexual Offender Registry Check. Provided by professional Investigator. Note: Backgrounds are completed prior to matching with Intended Parents.


$1,500 Benefit

Escrow Fees$1,850

Simple Surrogacy includes the oversight of your escrow account in our program fee, and you will pay directly to the Escrow Management Company, Seed Trust, their Management fee once you establish escrow upon signing retainer agreement.

$1,850 deposited into your Escrow account once opened at Retainer signing. Subject to change by Third Party Vendor

Fresh/Frozen IVF Cycle Fee and Medications$15,000-$45,000

Simple Surrogacy gets preferential rates with many clinics in the state of Texas. For this reason, the costs for medical screening in the state of Texas are less expensive compared to other states. **Additional costs incurred for subsequent IVF cycles** Additional costs will be incurred if using PGD Testing or Gender Selection**


Varies by IVF Clinic

Medications for Surrogate and Egg Donor$800-$6,000

**Cost varies by pharmacy**




Review of and recommendations for Surrogate’s Health Insurance policyIncluded

Surrogate Insurance policies are changing rapidly. We will send to an outside firm your Surrogate’s insurance policy for review of the policy’s benefits and exclusions and provide a full review and recommendation.


Paid through Escrow for re-evalution or insurance changes.

Medical Insurance for the Surrogate$550 -$850/month plus co-pays/deductible

If the Surrogate’s existing policy will not cover a surrogate pregnancy or if she has no health insurance the Intended Parents will need to purchase supplemental coverage. The cost shown is an estimate for monthly insurance premiums for a minimum of 15 months. The insurance needs to be kept in place for 3 months post delivery. Intended Parent(s) are responsible for all co-pays, deductibles and/or uncovered expenses starting at the initial medical evaluation of the surrogate up to 3 months postpartum. If Surrogate has health insurance coverage that does not exclude a surrogacy pregnancy, IPs are responsible for all co-pays, deductibles and/or uncovered expenses starting at the initial medical evaluation of the surrogate up to 3 months postpartum.

$550 -$850/month if needed. If Maternity Care is not covered, a Cash-Pay can be negotiated with the Surrogate’s Physicians in addition to major medical coverage.

$550 -$950/month if needed. California Surrogates will require outside insurance, or a subsidy to their current insurance for all out of pocket costs.

Accidental Death Insurance$650 - $1,500 / one time

Purchase of a $500,000 term policy for Surrogate in case of accidental death.

$650- $1,500/for an 18-month policy

Disability Insurance/Lost Wages policy$2,000+

Purchasing a disability policy/lost wages policy may help to greatly decrease the costs if your surrogate is put on bed rest or incapacitated during her pregnancy. The Lost wages policy can be purchased for a singleton or twins pregnancy, and seeks to cover 80% of a loss of wages during the pregnancy for bed rest.

As Estimated, depends on salary and chosen options

Insurance for the Child(ren)$20,000+

Intended Parents can secure health insurance coverage for their child or children, if their own insurance does not cover the children, to take effect at birth. They also have the option of paying out-of-pocket for all of their children(s) related health/medical needs. Note: No child will be covered under a Surrogate mother’s health insurance policy.

Cost varies based on number of children needing coverage. For international clients cost can be $20,000+ so you should carefully consider insurance for children for your international budget.


Gestational Surrogate Base Compensation$53,000-$68,000 Average

Paid to Surrogate in 8 equal installments over the course of the pregnancy, beginning with confirmation of pregnancy via heartbeat through ultrasound.  Please inquire about Surrogate’s requested compensation when presented with a profile for review as surrogates set their own compensation. Note: In the event the surrogate miscarries before the 32 week of pregnancy, all base compensation payments will cease until the child is discharged. If the surrogate mother carries to 32 weeks or more, she will be entitled to all remaining compensation listed in her Surrogacy Agreement.

$58,000 Average, with Insurance

$53,000 Average, without Insurance

$63,000, High Demand States

$68,000, Ultra High Demand States: CA, NY, NJ, WA


Monthly Allowance$300/month

In lieu of itemized reimbursements, this monthly fee covers mileage less than 100 miles round trip, childcare for local appointments, telephone calls, postage, faxing, prenatal vitamins (including prescription), and pregnancy testing supplies. Begins month following contract signing & continues through one month after birth or at termination of Surrogacy Agreement.

$350/ Twins beginning in second trimester

$400/ CA, NY, NJ

Maternity Clothing Allowance$800 singleton

Payment made at 13 weeks gestation.

$800 singleton $1,000 multiples

Start of Meds Fee / Embryo Transfer Fee$500 Start Meds, $1,000/embryo transfer

Start of Medication fee paid when Surrogate starts medications for transfer.

Paid per embryo, after each embryo transfer procedure. Actual expenses will also be paid, including lost wages and childcare. Additional expenses for a long distance transfer include meal allowance, airport parking, airport shuttles, air travel/mileage/hotel expenses.

$500 Start of Meds Fee

$1,000 per embryo transferred

IUI Fee$250

Paid per cycle for IUIs in Traditional Surrogates


Surrogate Body Recovery Allowance$800

Paid post-delivery for Surrogate’s physical recovery and mental well-being.


Psychological Counseling$350 up to $1,000

Counseling is optional, at a cost of $90 a session. Monthly sessions with therapist are available. Not required unless requested. Determined on a case-by-case basis.

$350 up to $1,000


Birth Documents$500

Instructs Hospital that Intended Parents are legal guardians of child and they are making the medical decisions on the child, even before birth. Drafted in the third trimester of pregnancy by an attorney.

$500 – $1,500

Invasive Procedure Fees$500

To compensate for invasive procedures, including HSG, Mock Cycle, Mock Transfer, Cerclage. Also may be paid for non-medical cycle cancellation. Most clinics now perform a HSG at screening.



Lost WagesTBD

Lost wages are determined by actual after-tax earnings and varies based on disability insurance and actual earnings for working Surrogates only. Amount is typically capped at 3 months of Surrogate’s lost wages but your surrogate may request more. These are paid for Transfer and Bed Rest or work restriction.

$0 – $35,000+ Depends on Surrogate’s hourly wage. Ask about Insurance policies which can cover these expenses.

Lost Wages for SpouseTBD

There may be lost wages for spouse (after tax earnings as verified by recent pay stub) for medical evaluation trip, embryo transfer trip, invasive procedures, legal filings, emergencies and if necessary for birth.

$0-$3,000 Depends on hourly wage

Meal Allowance$65/day average

If travel of more than half a day is necessary to fulfill obligations under the contract. Rates per government table:

$65/day average per diem rate, depends on location

Travel ExpensesTBD

Includes possible hotel, parking, round-trip economy airfare for GS and companion (as required by clinic), travel to and from airport, for fullfillment of contract.


Local Travel$.655/mile

If Surrogate is required to travel by car to doctor, clinic visits, monitoring clinic, etc. Mileage is only reimbursed after the first 100 round trip miles.

$.655/mile or current IRS guidelines

Bed Rest Compensation$300/week average

If put on doctor ordered bed rest (during pregnancy, miscarriage, termination/selective reduction procedure, amniocentesis, etc.) This fee covers housekeeping up to $100/week and childcare, with receipts.

$300/week, $6,000 Cap or per Surrogacy Agreement

Twins Housekeeping Allowance$75/Week

If carrying Twins or greater, a housekeeping allowance paid to the Surrogate from 26 weeks of pregnancy, paid weekly.

$75/Week ($300/month)

Child Care$200- $600

In the event of needing childcare to fulfill contractual obligations. Childcare is only reimbursed for out of the ordinary childcare days/hours. Childcare is not reimbursed for regular OB/GYN appointments once pregnant. The average cost is $15 per hour. (more in CA, More for lots of kids) You would pay the actual costs of the childcare, with receipts required, up to the cap in the surrogacy contract, typically $6,000.

$200- $600 Per week, depending on number of children and surrogate agreement.

$15/hour for general appointments as needed.

Multiple Fee$15,000

Fee paid for each additional child carried beyond one. These fees are spread out over the course of the pregnancy payments beginning with the third month payment.

$15,000/per additional child

C-Section$3,500 first C-section

To compensate for additional pain and suffering and added risks. The fees shown are typical but experienced Surrogates may request more than quoted amounts.

$3,500 first C-section, $2,000 subsequent or per request by surrogate.

Uterine Polyp Removal$500-$6,000 average

Uterine polyps are growths attached to the inner wall of the uterus that extend into the uterine cavity. Overgrowth of cells in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) leads to the formation of uterine polyps, also known as endometrial polyps. These polyps can interfere with the attachment of the embryo to the uterus and should be removed. If your surrogate develops these, she will have surgery. Often, a surrogate’s insurance can cover most surgical expenses, but co-pays and deductibles and items not covered by the insurance fall to the Intended Parent. If you choose not to pay those fees, you can request to be rematched with a new surrogate and we will add you back to the matching list.

Co-Pays and Deductibles paid for this surgery.  This is also an invasive procedure so the invasive procedure fee applies. Estimates will be supplied.

Medical Billing Management$2,000

Medical Bills are complicated- hard to process and confusing. Insurance Experts estimate approximately 80% of all medical bills contain errors. These errors cost Intended Parents money (excessive charges, double billing, overpayment). Delayed bill payments can also result in surrogates ending up in collections. Simple Surrogacy is pleased to provide referrals for professional, experienced management of billing throughout the surrogate pregnancy, delivery and post-partum with detailed reporting.

OPTIONAL, $2,000 paid at pregnancy Confirmation


Loss of Reproductive Capabilities$5,000

Any Loss of or loss of function to tubes, uterus, and/or complete hysterectomy, or surgery for an ectopic pregnancy.

$2,500 for other organs $5000 for uterus or hysterectomy

Amniocentesis Fee$500

To compensate for the discomfort associated with amniocentesis.

$500 first insertion, $250 subsequent

D&C, Selective Reduction Termination$1,500

To compensate for additional pain and suffering and added risks. If a Reduction or termination is requested after 15 weeks of Pregnancy, Compensation will be $5,000.

$1,500 per procedure

$5,000 after 15 weeks if available.

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