
Eating Safely at Thanksgiving

With the holidays coming up, it can be difficult to decide what’s safe on the dinner table, especially when it comes to surrogacy. You need to be extra careful about what goes in your body during surrogacy to reduce the…

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Explaining Your Child’s Birth Story To Them

At some point, all children start to wonder where they came from, and how they were born - surrogate children included! As with any birth story, it’s important for your child to know how they were brought into the world.…

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What to Look for In A Surrogacy Lawyer

In order to start the surrogacy journey after a successful match, you will need a surrogacy lawyer. There is a complicated legal procedure attached to surrogacy that the right fertility lawyer can help you navigate with no additional stress added…

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5 Surrogacy Accounts to Follow on Instagram

One of the greatest ways to get acquainted with the surrogacy community and learn more about the process is through social media. Social Media helps connect people all over the world and spreads social messages and recommendations across the world.…

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Surrogacy or Adoption – Which is Right for Me?

When facing conception through alternate means, it’s important to weigh all your options. For many, the beginning stage of this process is considering which ART (Alternate Reproductive Technology) is right for you and your budding family. Two ART methods are…

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