Starting a surrogacy journey is exciting for everyone involved. As a first time surrogate, preparations need to be made to ensure you have a safe and happy surrogacy journey before the process begins. Between medical screenings, insurance, and the legal…
Immediate family and those you’re closest to likely already know about your surrogacy journey and have asked their questions - but what about extended family around the holidays? The holidays are already a stressful time with travel plans, gifting, and…
The Holidays are fast approaching, and Intended Parents who are going through the surrogacy process may be facing a difficult question: What do you get the person who is helping you reach your dreams? Don’t overthink it! Here are some…
Showing thankfulness is a year-long effort for Simple Surrogacy, but we feel especially inclined to sit with those feelings of gratitude around the holiday season. Here are some things we’re grateful for this year: Our Amazing Surrogates This year…
At some point, all children start to wonder where they came from, and how they were born - surrogate children included! As with any birth story, it’s important for your child to know how they were brought into the world.…