Everything You Need to Know about Egg Donation Costs in Dallas

There are several different paths for people to take to grow their families. From IVF to Surrogacy, there are several different routes, with egg donation becoming an increasingly popular method. The first question that many Intended Parent(s) have about egg donation is the cost associated with it. Keep reading to learn everything that you need to know about egg donation costs in Dallas, Texas with Simple Surrogacy!

Simple Surrogacy Agency Retainer Fee

The first fee associated with egg donation is the agency retainer fee. This fee includes matching Intended Parents with an Egg Donor, psychologically and medically screening (at the Intended Parent’s expense) said donor, arranging for the drafting and review of the donor contract, coordinating all travel arrangements, and escrow oversight. The fee for the agency retainer is $7,000. It is important to note that this fee does not include legal contracts or escrow management. Legal contracts are typically an additional $850-$1000 and escrow is on average $350.

Legal Contracts

Our team has negotiated preferential rates with a law firm in order to offer our clients the best possible contract price. Although these fees are separate from Simple Surrogacy, they can be paid from your fund management account if you would like! The cost for a draft and the donor’s review is $850 and if needed, $350/hr for your review.

Egg Donor Compensation

The next fee is the Egg Donor compensation. It is important to note that experienced or in-demand donors can command higher fees. At Simple Surrogacy, all of our Egg Donors list their requested compensation on the Donor Considerations page of their profile. The average cost for first-time Egg Donors is $7,000 and up, experienced Egg Donors average $7,500 and up, and proven Egg Donor rates average $10,000 and up.

Several agencies take 10% of the Egg Donors’ compensation, but at Simple Surrogacy our Egg Donors receive their full donor fee.


Medication is an important part of the egg donation process. The medication required for the Egg Donor can range from $3,000-$6,000 depending on several elements.

Psychological Assessment Fee

The psychological assessment is a very important step in the egg donation process. The fee is $400 for the Egg Donor and $400 for the Intended Parent(s). If there are MMPI requests by the Intended Parent(s) or the clinic, an additional fee of $500 will be required.

Cycle Insurance

At Simple Surrogacy, we have made Cycle Insurance mandatory in our egg donation process. This insurance covers the Egg Donor for medical risks of the cycle and has a fee of $395 dollars.


There are also a few incidental fees that may arise along your journey. These include:

Cancelled Cycle Fee

Egg Donors receive $750 to begin taking medications and would keep this fee event if the cycle was cancelled.


Egg Donors that have a long distance retrieval would be compensated for their mileage. This rate is $.585/mile or the current IRS rate.

Lost Wages/Childcare

Our Egg Donors are compensated for days off that are required for the retrieval procedure or if they require childcare for the retrieval day. The rate for lost wages or childcare would be verified by a paystub from the Egg Donor.

Travel Expenses

If the Egg Donor must travel the cost of hotels, airfare, meal allowance ($50/day, $25 for companion) and transportation for the retrieval and screening would be an additional fee. Since the companion is required by the clinic to be present during the retrieval, their travel expenses would also be paid, but not any lost wages or childcare.

The Cost of International Egg Donation in Dallas

Intended Parent(s) who reside outside of the United States will be charged an International Program fee. This cost is $1250 and is in addition to our regular program fee. This extra fee is due to the fact that there are several additional steps required in international egg donation as opposed to domestic egg donation.

The Simple Surrogacy Difference

There are several aspects that make Simple Surrogacy stand out from other surrogacy agencies, including some of the fees we have eliminated from the egg donation process.

No Application Fee

At Simple Surrogacy, we do not charge our clients any application fees. This means that phone consultations are free and that you can also browse our database for no charge and without any obligation to work with us. Once you have browsed our database and identified donors who meet your requirements and have finalized your choices, our team will email you and get you started on your journey!

No Travel Coordination Fee

We don’t believe in added fees for the sake of added fees. That’s why our team will coordinate your Egg Donor’s travel to the clinic and oversee her monitoring appointments for no additional fee!


There are several other aspects that go into making the decision to choose which agency you want to work with for your egg donation needs. At Simple Surrogacy, we pride ourselves in the fact that we charge one of the lowest fees in the industry among programs with similar experience and success. We work tirelessly to provide our clients with full service without the cost. We have been assisting couples and individuals with the desire to achieve a family through third-party assisted reproduction since 2002. If you are considering using egg donation to grow or start your family, contact the team at Simple Surrogacy today by phone at 1-866-41-SURRO or online!

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