Egg Donation Requirements

Thank you for considering becoming an Egg Donor at Simple Surrogacy. You are giving the gift of life to a deserving couple or individual; that makes you a very special person! Please visit, our Egg Donation Specialty site, to learn more about the Egg Donation process, and apply to be an Egg Donor!

In order to be qualified to work with our agency as an Egg Donor, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be between the ages of 21-29
  • Be a resident of the United States or Canada
  • Be height-weight proportionate (BMI must be 30 or lower)
  • Not smoke, take illegal drugs, or be alcohol dependent
  • Not have any sexually transmitted diseases
  • Have had a pap-smear within the last year
  • Not have any genetically carried medical conditions
  • Not have any psychiatric illness or be on psychiatric drugs
  • Know at least one half of your genetic make-up
  • Have a minimum of a high school education, or equivalent
  • Be willing to travel if necessary for retrieval
  • Be willing to forgo intercourse for the duration of the egg donation process (about 1 month)
  • Be dependable. Your intended parents will be counting on you to make all required appointments and injections
  • Be able to give yourself daily injections in the stomach with a small needle during the egg donation process
  • Have read and understood the Egg Donation Process, and be willing to fully follow Dr.’s recommendations
  • Not have had any tattoos or piercings within the past 12 months
  • Not be on Nor-plant
  • Not have had the Depo Provera shot for at least 8 months
  • Have US citizenship
  • Not have felony convictions
  • Not have traveled to any countries in the past 6 months where there is an active Zika Virus transmission, including Brazil, The Carribbean, Mexico or Cape Verde (Africa)
  • Have a genuine desire to assist a couple or individual in creating or adding to their family

Once you have read the qualifications and the Egg Donor Process and Egg Donor Overview, please click on Application to begin your forms to become a donor in our program. When you return the extensive questionnaire and send back the agreement contract, we will review your application, and you will be notified wether you are accepted into our program.

In this case, we will make sure you have completed the Donation agreement with us, and submitted a photo ID, which will allow us to share non-identifying data with prospective parents (all identifying data will remain confidential). After the agreement is complete, we will begin to share your profile with prospective parents. The moment you are matched with some parent(s), the Egg Donation process will begin.


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