Eating Safely at Thanksgiving

With the holidays coming up, it can be difficult to decide what’s safe on the dinner table, especially when it comes to surrogacy. You need to be extra careful about what goes in your body during surrogacy to reduce the worry your Intended Parents are already feeling.

We understand what this is like, as at Simple Surrogacy our staff is made up of former surrogates and egg donors. Here are some foods that are safe to eat:



As long as this Thanksgiving classic is prepared properly and cooked all the way through, you can have it for dinner! There are some concerns when it comes to the way deli meats are cured and preserved, but those concerns don’t apply when cooking a full, fresh turkey.


Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a great food to fill up on at the Thanksgiving table. These tubers have a lot of vital nutrients for you and baby and will make sure to keep your levels in good check throughout the rest of the dinner!


Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkins are also chock full of nutrients and great for you and baby. Plus, they reduce the risk of diabetes. Gestational diabetes affects many surrogates, so there’s no reason not to indulge in one of the tastiest pies of the season.


Avoid These Foods

In order to stay safe this holiday season, you should try to avoid some of the table classics for Thanksgiving.

  • Homemade & Unpasteurized Cider – A lot of people enjoy making their own apple cider and while that is great under normal circumstances, there are some risks involved when pregnant. Avoid non-pasteurized cider at your meals.
  • Stuffing – Unless it was cooking outside the turkey and you’re sure it’s cooked all the way through, avoid the stuffing! There’s no way to verify if the heat got all the way through it in the oven.
  • Cocktails – This goes without saying for any pregnancy! Bring a nice glass of grape juice instead or enjoy some sparkling soda.


The holidays as a surrogate can be a little difficult because of the temptation of a lot of food on the table. Be careful while eating, don’t overindulge, and relax this holiday season!

If you have more questions about holiday eating, reach out to Simple Surrogacy here.

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