Am I Ready To Move From Infertility Treatments To Surrogacy?

Infertility can be a difficult experience for couples, which unfortunately, can also be very common among couples. Many Intended Parents often spend years and a large amount of money on infertility treatments with no success. Many choose to go this route instead of surrogacy so that they can experience pregnancy for themselves. We understand that all of this makes the decision to forgo more infertility treatments and choose surrogacy, a large and difficult step. Surrogacy, although it may not have been what you had envisioned, will give you the incredible experience of parenthood — and that is the gift that matters most. This blog will guide you through some questions that you should ask yourself to ensure that you are ready to make the switch from infertility treatments to surrogacy.

1.Is Your Partner Ok With the Option of Surrogacy?

A great deciding factor in switching to surrogacy is whether or not your partner is in agreement. This decision is ultimately up to the both of you and whether or not it is the right infertility option for you. We suggest doing research together about surrogacy and learning what the process entails. This way you will have a better idea of what to expect from the process and whether or not it is right for you as a couple.

2. Are You Ready to Stop Other Infertility Treatments?

Another big factor to consider is whether or not you are ready to stop other infertility treatments. Many people who come to this point in their journey toward parenthood have already gone through years of fertility treatments without any success. These individuals are typically considering surrogacy because the treatments they are using are not working, and may not work in the future. This may make surrogacy the best option to consider as a way of growing your family. 

3. Are You Ok With Parenthood Without Pregnancy?

One of the biggest challenges involved in making the switch from infertility treatments to surrogacy is the fact that you will not be able to carry your own child. People who choose to pursue surrogacy as an option to have children, do so because their desire for children is greater than their ability to be pregnant, and we understand this is a difficult reality to grapple with. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone, and we are there with you every step of the way. It is also important that you are comfortable with allowing a Surrogate to carry your baby for you. This is a very intimate partnership and you must be prepared for the emotional element before you begin the process. Through a strong support system and the assistance of our staff, who have also been Surrogates themselves, we will ensure the entire experience is as comfortable for you as possible.

The Surrogacy Process for Intended Parents

Understanding the surrogacy process for parents is extremely important. Here are some of the steps that you will take on your surrogacy journey. 

Getting Started

The first step in the process is to complete our contact form. After you have done this, our Executive Program Director will contact you and send you additional information to review. We will then schedule a free consultation with our Executive Program Director, during which you can ask any questions that you may have about the process. You will then be asked to sign our retainer agreement and submit the initial agency fee. After this, you will complete your online Intended Parent profile, browse Egg Donor profiles where necessary, background checks will be run, and a psychological consultation will be scheduled.


The next step is matching. We will send your Intended Parent profile to Surrogates who meet your criteria. When a Surrogate likes your profile, you will be able to view their profile. If both parties agree, a moderated call will be arranged. Once the match is made, you will establish escrow for the Surrogate’s expenses and the screening process will begin.


The screening process will take place at the clinic of your choice. At the medical screening, both you and your partner, as well as the Surrogate, will undergo medical screening. If your embryos are already frozen, this screening will only be for the Surrogate. 


During the legal step, you will be asked to sign and return a legal match sheet that covers all contract financial aspects. If you have matched in Texas, you will pay Simple Surrogacy the contract fee. If you have matched outside of Texas, you must pay the attorney directly. You will then sign the attorney retainer, the contract will be drafted and reviewed by you and your attorney, the Surrogate will review hers with her own attorney, and both parties will sign and notarize the agreement. 

Medical Process

The medical process differs based on the protocols of the clinic that is selected. The Surrogate will receive a calendar with their appointments from the clinic and then your coordinator will walk you through the calendar so that you understand the timeline. The Surrogate will begin taking medication and then the embryo/s will be transferred. You are more than welcome to attend the transfer if you are able! As soon as five days after the transfer, the Surrogate will begin testing at home and will have their blood test two weeks later. Once there is a confirmed pregnancy, the Surrogate will begin receiving her compensation which will be divided into 10 equal payments.

If you have decided that you are ready to make the switch to surrogacy and begin your journey towards parenthood, contact Simple Surrogacy. We will help guide you and ensure that you enjoy every step of the process. Our team is filled with past Egg Donors and Surrogates who will be able to provide you with guidance and advice based on their personal experiences. Plus, once you have joined our program, we will provide you with a unique guide titled “What to Expect When Your Surrogate is Expecting,” so that you can have a deeper understanding of the journey. For a more detailed outline of the process, please visit our website or contact us today!

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