Why Can’t I Become a Surrogate Mother if I Haven’t Had Children?
Simple Surrogacy, like all surrogacy agencies, has certain surrogate mother requirements that women who wish to pursue giving the gift of life to others must first fulfill to ensure a great pregnancy experience for everyone. If you would like to become a surrogate mother for Simple Surrogacy, you must already have had and be caring for at least one child of your own. You might wonder what the reason is for this particular surrogate mother requirement. Here, we will explore further the logic behind the requirement that all surrogate mothers must first have had their own child.
Having Your Own Child is a Sign of Commitment
Surrogate mothers who have already had a child of their own have shown that they are committed to their own family. Being committed is a quality that Simple Surrogacy is looking for in potential surrogate mothers. If you have already had a successful pregnancy, you know what to expect during the nine months that you will be carrying a child. You also understand how important family is, and value the gift of family that you will be giving to your Intended Parents. It is our hope that you will also be committed to the surrogacy process and giving intended parents a child of their own. This is one reason for the surrogate mother requirement that you must already have a child.
Proof that You Are Fertile
If you have a child of your own already when you apply to become a surrogate mother with Simple Surrogacy, you possess living proof that you are fertile. You have already carried at least one pregnancy to term and have successfully delivered at least one baby. You know, and have medical records showing that you can achieve these tasks. If you have not had a child of your own yet, you really do not even know if you can carry a pregnancy to term and/or give birth. This is why having had a child of your own is such an important part of becoming a surrogate mother.
Legal Requirements
In States where there are Gestational Carrier Statutes (laws) there are also additional requirements that must be met to be a Surrogate. In Texas, as well as many other states with Surrogacy laws, Surrogates must have successfully carried a pregnancy to term. If a Surrogate had not carried a pregnancy to term, she would not be legally qualified in those states to be a Surrogate.
Minimizing Risks to the Intended Parents
Women who are considering becoming a surrogate mother for Simple Surrogacy should also have at least one successful pregnancy of their own to give intended parents the best possible chance at a successful pregnancy. Many intended parents have already spent thousands of dollars and many years on other methods such as unsuccessful infertility treatments. By the time they decide on surrogacy, they will want to work with a surrogate mother who has a proven track record of carrying a baby to term.
Surrogate Mother Requirements
Having given birth to a child of your own is just one of the fundamental surrogate mother requirements that Simple Surrogacy asks its surrogate mother applicants to fulfill. Others include:
Being between the ages of 21 and 40
Having given birth to at least one child of your own
Having had a successful full-term pregnancy and delivery
Having had complication-free pregnancies and deliveries
Having enjoyed being pregnant in the past
Being motivated to help others create or add to their families
Being a U.S. citizen, legal resident or legal immigrant
Having a body mass index (BMI) under 33
Not having traveled to a Zika-infected country during the past six months
Not smoking, taking illegal drugs or being exposed to secondhand smoke
Being willing to pass a background check
Having a valid driver’s license
Having reliable transportation for doctor’s appointments, etc.
Not being on public assistance
Providing information of your past doctors or obstetricians and consent so that we may obtain your medical records
Having had no tattoos or piercings in the past 12 months
Being in a stable living situation (for at least the past seven years)
Not having psychiatric illness
Not taking medication for depression or anxiety
Being willing to review your surrogacy agreement with an attorney
Having the support of your partner or spouse, if applicable
Being willing to abstain from alcohol during the surrogacy process
Being willing to adhere to contractual obligations during the surrogacy process
Being willing to take medications that are necessary throughout the surrogacy process (including injections)
Not having sexually transmitted diseases that would endanger you or the baby
Are There Other Ways I Can Contribute If I Haven’t Had a Baby?
Yes! If you have never given birth to a child of your own, you can still make a valuable contribution and help intended parents to pursue the family of which they’ve always dreamed. How? By becoming an egg donor! At Simple Surrogacy, having had a successful pregnancy is not a requirement in order to be an egg donor. As long as you meet the following requirements, you can donate eggs at Simple Surrogacy:
Be between the ages of 18-30
Be a resident of the United States or Canada
Have a BMI of 33 or lower
Have no medical conditions that are genetically carried
Not be a smoker
Not take illegal drugs
Not be dependent on alcohol
Not have a psychiatric illness
Have had a pap smear within the past 12 months
Not have sexually transmitted diseases
Have at least a high school education
Be willing to not have sexual intercourse during the egg donation process (usually about one month)
Not be on Norplant
Not have had a Depo Provera shot for the past eight months
Not have had any tattoos or piercings in the past year
Have a real desire to help others in creating or adding to their family
Be dependable and commit to attending all required appointments
Be willing to follow doctor’s instructions
Know at least half of your genetic makeup
If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother (or an egg donor) and giving the gift of live to others, contact Simple Surrogacy today! We are available to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
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