Surrogacy Journey: Teaching Children Life Lessons on Love and Acceptance of all Families
Your beautiful and amazing child is a wonderful gift. You made the important decision to use the process of surrogacy to build your family. As a non-traditional family it’s important to teach children about the love that went into the planning of your family and, even more importantly, that not all families are alike.
What can you do to prepare your child for the curiosity and questions that may come their way about their birth? As part of your surrogacy journey it’s important that you teach your child lessons about love and acceptance of all families…starting with your own.
Letting them know their birth story as soon as they’re able to understand is the ideal way to empower them, to give them the confidence and security to step into the world, knowing exactly how they were born and how much they are loved and wanted.
A Beautiful Story of Birth
When it’s time for the talk about surrogacy, the best thing you can do is be upfront with your child about how they were born. It’s up to you how much you share. One of your goals with this conversation should be to not sensationalize the story of their birth. The way they came into this world is a natural and wonderful event – let them know how proud you are of your family story.
It’s All About Love
No matter what the age of your child, continue to remind them how much planning and love goes into the building of a family. As they get older you can expand the conversation and talk about other families – that it doesn’t matter if someone has two daddies, two mommies, a mom and dad, or only one parent. The main thing to emphasize is that love is the groundwork underneath all families, including yours.
Teaching Acceptance
Teach your child about accepting others and everyone’s unique family situation. Start the conversations early, talking about how families are built in different ways. Surrogacy is the norm for your own child. Let them know that other families are built through adoption. And that still other families are brought together in a conventional way, with two biological parents.
School Years
When your child enters school, continue to practice acceptance in your own home. Be prepared to talk about their birth as questions come up. If you’ve discussed surrogacy with them in their younger years, they’ll be ready and open for any conversations that may come up in school about families and genetics. Consider talking to your child’s teachers and the parents of their friends so they know your story.
In many ways the world still needs to catch up. Lead the way with your family, teaching your children about acceptance of all families – and the love that went into the planning of yours.
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