We Offer the Highest Standards for Surrogacy at an Affordable Price

surrogacy at an affordable price

Founded in 2002, Simple Surrogacy was formed on one simple principle: to provide their clients with the highest standard of care in the surrogacy and egg donation industry at an affordable price. For those individuals and couples who wish to start a family through third party assisted reproduction, Simple Surrogacy is here to help.

For many of those who choose surrogacy, it may not be the first option, but it turns out to be the best option. For those seriously considering surrogacy, then Simple Surrogacy is the way to go.

Simple Surrogacy’s team of professionals consists of parents through surrogacy, current and former surrogate mothers and egg donors and counselors. Simple Surrogacy has also worked with both Domestic and International Intended Parents to help the path of couples and individuals looking to become parents through surrogacy and/or egg donation that much smoother.

Approximately 35 percent of couples who choose surrogacy have done so after either considering or attempting adoption (Ragoné 1994). However, for the majority of those who have chosen surrogacy, they have found that the adoption process is an arduous one plagued with problems which has left them without a suitable child in most cases (Ragoné 2000). In 1983, for example, 50,000 adoptions were completed in the United States. However, an estimated two million couples were still seeking to adopt (Office of Technology Assessment 1988).

There are several reasons as to why a woman might decide to use a surrogate. She either may have medical problems with her uterus, had it removed via hysterectomy or has a condition, such as severe heart disease, which would make pregnancy either impossible or medically risky. Age, marital status and sexual orientation may also be barriers but through a surrogate, parenthood becomes a viable option.

With Surrogate Mothers through the United States and Canada, Simple Surrogacy matches and facilitates traditional and gestational surrogacy and egg donation arrangements.

From traditional and gay or lesbian couples to singles, Simple Surrogacy works with those of all races, religions and ethnic backgrounds to help complete the journey to starting a family. Simple Surrogacy is highly regarded in the surrogacy and egg donation community and are members of Resolve (The National Infertility Association), the American Fertility Association and the Better Business Bureau.

One of the few downsides to surrogacy is the outrageous cost. Simple Surrogacy is here to address that, to offer their clients significantly reduced fees along with an insider’s knowledge and expertise to give those involved – the Intended Parent(s), Surrogate, Egg Donor – peace of mind every step of the way along their journey.

This is Simple Surrogacy.

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