Is Surrogacy Right for Me?

Ever wanted to give the gift of life? Or thought about having a child with the help of a surrogate mother? No matter who you are, surrogacy could be the right option for you. Due to biology, a couple may be unable to conceive or carry a child on their own. Fortunately, through surrogacy, dreams of parenthood can come true. More and more women are making the decision to help deserving couples build a family through surrogacy. Wondering if surrogacy is right for you? Keep reading to find out.

Types of Surrogacy

There are two avenues for surrogacy: Gestational and Traditional. Gestational surrogacy is when the surrogate mother has no biological relation to the child. The intended mother’s egg and intended father’s sperm is inserted into the Surrogate mother, so that her belly is just the home for the fetus as it develops. Traditional surrogacy is when the surrogate mother uses her own egg and inseminated sperm from the intended father or donor. If you are an Intended Parent thinking about using a surrogate, it is important to carefully consider both options before making a decision.

Surrogate Mothers

There is a long list of requirements for those who are considering becoming a surrogate mother, as well as those who are looking to become Intended Parents. We’ve compiled a list that will reveal what the prerequisites are that you must meet before you apply to become a surrogate with our program. If you are thinking of becoming a surrogate, you must:

  • Be a citizen or legal resident or legal immigrant of the United States
  • Are between the ages of 21 – 40
  • Have already given birth
  • No case of complicated pregnancy/delivery
  • Be of proportionate weight
  • Valid driver’s license
  • Stable living situation
  • Support from spouse/partner
  • Willing to review agreement with attorney
  • Willing to adhere to all contractual obligations throughout the process
  • Not be on public assistance
  • Pass a background check
  • Read and understood the surrogacy process
  • Willing to take medications via injection
  • Not smoke or take illegal drugs or consume alcohol
  • No sexually transmitted diseases
  • No psychiatric illness
  • Have reliable transportation to and from appointments
  • No tattoos or piercings within the past 12 months
  • Provide contact information for past OBs or family doctors
  • Be motivated to help others and add to their family
  • Not have traveled to a Zika infested country in the past 6 months

Ask yourself:

  1. Do I meet all the qualifications?
  2. Do I understand the expectations?
  3. Am I willing to give up certain things to undergo the process?
  4. Are my intentions for the good of the family and not simply for the compensation?
  5. Am I overall ready to become a surrogate mother?

If you answered yes to the above questions, you may be ready to undergo surrogacy and experience the incredible process of giving the gift of life to another family.

Ultimately, surrogate mothers are required to be in good health and get checked by their family doctor and gynecologist before filling out any forms. All background checks should be done. Surrogate mothers should abide by the rules. Surrogacy is the right choice for you if you want to make a difference in someone’s life. If you are not in the right mindset and are incapable of performing the tasks, attending appointments, or fulfilling any of the other requirements, then you are not ready to become a surrogate mother quite yet. Make sure that you meet all the qualifications fully before submitting a form of interest.

Intended Parents

Having a child is an amazing experience. However, due to some circumstances, pregnancy may be difficult, or the mother may be unable to carry a child due to infertility or genetic challenges. This is where the surrogate mother comes in.

The surrogacy process can seem daunting to some but by choosing Simple Surrogacy, we make the process as easy as possible for both parties. Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to have a family. Surrogacy could be the right path for you. If you are an individual interested in becoming an Intended Parent, check out this list of requirements to see if you qualify.

The qualifications for intended parents include:

  • Honesty
  • No criminal history, able to pass background check
  • Complete all required paperwork
  • Financial and stable living situation
  • Respectful of surrogate’s time and commitment
  • Between the ages of 21 – 60
  • Spousal/partner support
  • Not on public assistance
  • Read and understand the Surrogacy process
  • Willing to undergo Psychological Assessment

Carefully consider the requirements. Once you have, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you already have the embryos made?
  2. What is the amount of involvement that you would prefer during the pregnancy? Attending appointments? Less involvement?
  3. Are you comfortable with the chosen agency and chosen surrogate?
  4. What criteria do you have for the surrogate?
  5. What are the total costs of the process?
  6. What are the legal contracts and what do they involve?

If the intended parents have the emotional stability and financial means, they are qualified to go through the surrogacy process with a reliable and healthy surrogate mother. If you fall under any of the categories where you are unable to have children, then surrogacy may be the right path for you.

Do you think that surrogacy is the right path for you? If so, find out more about the process at Simple Surrogacy today!

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