Halloween Fun with a Newborn

Halloween Fun With a NewbornIs your little one just a bit too little to go door to door collecting mounds of candy this Halloween? Don’t miss out on all the spooky fun, there is still plenty of ways to celebrate Halloween with a newborn.

What to do with a newborn for Halloween?

Before the most haunted ‘eve of the year rolls around, start getting into the Halloween spirit by making some spooky decorations. This collection of hand and footprint crafts  is the perfect skill level for your little one, and they serve as a great keepsake!

As Halloween gets closer, look out for age appropriate activities that may be happening in your community. Many zoos host some sort of Halloween bash, where the older kids can walk around collecting treats and the younger kids can enjoy the animals, and the fun costumes the workers dress up in.

Some communities may even host a local children’s festival or some sort of trick-or-treat event in a retirement home to brighten the residents’ day. Find out what may be going on in your community, and pick the activity that works best for you and your baby.

Just because they won’t be trick-or-treating doesn’t mean your little one shouldn’t dress up! One of the best parts of Halloween is seeing all of the adorable baby costumes. If you’re part of a mommy and me group, think about inviting some of the moms and babies over for a Halloween party. It might be just a glorified playdate, but everyone will look so cute in their costumes and Halloween themed treats can be served to add to the festivities.

If your little one looks too cute to keep at home, stop by friends and family’s houses to pick up a little treat and show off your baby’s costume. Your newborn may be too young to enjoy candy, but not too young to enjoy a stroller ride around the neighborhood while big brother or sister is collecting candy. This is a great way for the whole family to enjoy some Halloween fun together.

Even just staying in and having your little one as a companion while handing out candy is the perfect excuse for you both to dress up, and have the trick-or-treaters ogle at the cuteness of your costumes.

If you decide that Halloween may be a bit overwhelming this year for baby, then take a night off from the ghoulish celebrations and have a cozy night at home. Your family can enjoy Halloween movies stories, or even a spooky dinner without overwhelming the little one. If you think the doorbell or the constant knocking of trick-or-treaters may bother baby, then make sure to leave a bowl of candy and a note encouraging trick-or-treaters to take one on the front porch.

Halloween can be a busy and overwhelming holiday, but your little one shouldn’t have to miss out on the fun because of their age. Try out some of these newborn friendly Halloween ideas, and let the fun begin!

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