Egg Donor Benefits at Simple Surrogacy

Any part of pregnancy is a big decision, including egg donation. The donation process means that there’s no pregnancy involved for the donor but there’s a lot to consider beforehand. Qualifications, health of family history, and potential lifestyle changes, are just a few of the things to consider. Still, being a donor is an extremely rewarding venture. At Simple Surrogacy, you’re giving life and joy to a family or individual who wants a child of their own. The gift of life is a strong enough argument but that’s not the only benefit. Egg donors receive a lot of rewards for their gift to others.

Monetary Compensation

All egg donors who work with Simple Surrogacy get a base compensation. First time donors receive $7000, while repeat donors get $8000 and up. Repeat donors are even allowed to set their own compensation amount. Repeat donors can set higher amounts, and very experienced donors or those with a proven pregnancy history can also set their own amounts.
Simple Surrogacy also ensures that all donors are reimbursed for expenses. If you have to travel for appointments, all travel costs are paid, including  airfare for the donor and a companion, reasonable hotel rates or AirBnb, as well as taxi fare or rental car. They also provide mileage compensation at $0.535 per mile driven in your own car to and from appointments. In addition, food is paid for, with $50 going to the donor and $25 to a companion for each day of travel. Daily life is also considered in the donation process. Lost wages from missed work is paid for after taxes based on previous pay stubs. Simple Surrogacy will even make sure you can care for your family during the donation, paying $11 an hour for childcare and any actual cost for dog boarding. Simple Surrogacy doesn’t deduct agency fees from compensation. Their goal is to ensure that you never pay anything so you can donate without any stress.

Peace of Mind

At Simple Surrogacy, you can expect a professional atmosphere throughout the entire journey. They also have strong relationships with many in-vitro fertilization clinics in the United States, allowing for easy referrals and lower rates. Simple Surrogacy is also part of RESOLVE, the American Fertility Association and the Better Business Bureau.
Funds with the clients and the Simple Surrogacy agency are always kept separate. All funds are in federally insured escrow accounts. Escrow service is also offered at no extra charge. As stated, medical complications insurance is also provided.
Simple Surrogacy is also partnered with a team of experienced attorneys in assisted reproduction law. They have attorneys in every state where surrogacy is legal dedicated to your unique situation. To date, we’ve never had a contested case. For married couples in Texas, there is the extra benefit of the Legal Included Program, which is a direct referral to a partnered attorney. Regardless, all attorneys are there to guide you through the legal process without any extra fees.

In Conclusion

While being an egg donor may seem daunting and a little overwhelming, the process doesn’t have to be. Simple Surrogacy is there to make everything happen like a breeze, leaving you as a happy contributor with a nice compensation package. For whatever reason you decide to give life to others, Simple Surrogacy thanks you for considering such a gigantic contribution.

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