Surrogacy 101: Screening Process

This article continues our series on informational articles about surrogacy.

As the next step in the process begins, the Surrogate has just decided to match with her Intended Parent couple, who may be a traditional couple,  a gay or same-sex couple, or single Intended Mother or Father. The next step is for the Surrogate to go to the Intended Parent’s clinic of choice to begin her medical screening.

Your clinic of choice will screen the Carrier using the guidelines provided by The American Society for Reproductive Medicine. The screening encompasses a review of their detailed medical history, a physical exam, comprehensive laboratory testing, psychological assessment and medical screening. Multidisciplinary consultations with internists and specialists, psychologists and/or counselors, geneticists may also be required.

If there has been no previous work-up or if the testing is outdated, the Traditional or Gestational Surrogate’s work-up may include:

Gestational Surrogate Medical Screening

· Initial consultation with a Reproductive Endocrinologist

· Physical examination

· Gynecological Exam

· Blood count and chemistry

· Blood type and RH

· Drug toxicology (drugs, alcohol, and nicotine)

· Screening for rubella, cytomegalovirus, , toxoplasmosis

· HIV Antibody

· Hepatitis A, B and C Surface Antigen

· RPR for Syphilis

· Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

· Cervical Cultures for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Ureaplasma, and Mycoplasma.

· Genetic Testing for Cystic Fibrosis, Tay Sachs Disease, Sickle Cell Disease, and Thalassemia.

· FSH – cycle day 2 or 3

· Group B Strep

· Hysterosalpingogram or Sono-hysterosalpingogram

· Consultation with the IVF nurse coordinator regarding the treatment protocol,
medication and teaching of injections. Review and sign the consent forms.

The Intended Parents will also undergo a screening process, which we will detail later in this series. Once all parties have been screened, and they have passed, then everyone is cleared to begin Counseling, Psych Evaluations and Legal Contracts.

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