Surrogacy 101: Screening process

This blog continues our series on Surrogacy 101

Surrogacy 101: Screening process

Your primary physician may have already performed the work-up of the Intended Parent(s) referred for surrogacy. The philosophy at Simple Surrogacy is not to duplicate testing, thus, Intended Parent(s) are encouraged to obtain copies of their previous testing to avoid duplication. Testing for the Intended Parents may include but is not limited to psychological evaluation, std testing, hysteroscopy, mock transfer, mock cycle, and blood work.

If there has been no previous work-up or if the testing is outdated, the couple’s/individual’s work-up may include:

· Initial consultation of the couple with a staff physician of the program to review previous medical records

· Physical examination

· Consultation with the IVF nurse coordinator regarding the treatment protocol, medication and teaching of injections

· Review and sign the consent forms


Female Laboratory Testing

· Rubella Immunity

· Blood type and Rh

· HIV antibody

· Hepatitis B and C surface antigen

· RPR for Syphilis

· Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

· Cervical cultures for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Ureaplasma, and Mycoplasma (when appropriate).

· FSH – cycle day 2 or 3


Male Laboratory Testing

·Blood type and RH

· HIV antibody

· Hepatitis B and C surface antigen

· RPR for Syphilis


· Genetic Testing for Cystic Fibrosis, Tay Sachs Disease, Sickle Cell Disease, and

· Semen analysis (within the past 6 months)

· Sperm Count

· Motility

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