How a Doula can Provide Additional Support for a Surrogate Mother and Intended Parents

When a woman decides to become a surrogate mother, she is taking on a great responsibility and is preparing herself for a beautiful and emotional journey. If you are a surrogate mother and are feeling a little nervous about the process and think that you may need some additional support, consider using a Doula.

A Doula is trained to assist during childbirth, and will provide support to the family after the baby is born.  Ultimately, it is your choice to bring a Doula onto your journey. Many surrogate mothers do choose to use a Doula as there are excellent benefits to having one.

Doula’s Contribution to the Labor

Labor is a critical time and Doulas can offer crucial support during this moment. A Doula offers the necessary support to the surrogate mother when labor begins. She can provide support through comforting the mother as well as providing emotional support. A Doula is also responsible for facilitating communication with the care providers to ensure the mother is taken care of properly.

Additional Roles of a Doula

A Doula can play a number of different roles during the labor. This makes the process easier on the surrogate mother. The Doula will speak to the medical staff, provide pain management methods, birthing positions, and teach a number of relaxation techniques. All of this will help minimize the surrogate’s stress and will overall help create a better delivery experience.

What the Intended Parents can Gain from a Doula

Not only does the surrogate mother benefit from a Doula but so do the intended parents. Doula’s can further offer postpartum support to the intended parents, which helps their transition into parenthood. A Doula can help get the bonding process started between the intended parents and the baby. A Doula can also provide support on certain difficult matters that may arise through the transition.

Using a Doula is not mandatory if you are becoming a surrogate mother. Surrogacy can become an emotional rollercoaster. Therefore receiving a little extra support, attention and care is encouraged. A Doula will simply make this experience stress free for both the surrogate mother and intended parents. Make this experience a positive one, speak to Simple Surrogacy to get additional information on Doulas today!

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