Could this be the end of Indian Surrogacy?

Indian Surrogacy is fraught with risks, tales of horrible surrogacies gone wrong, pregnancies ending for no reason, and now, their Ministry of Health has issued a stance opposing all surrogacies for foreigners. How powerful their opinion is remains to be seen, but likely their position would result in far fewer people taking the unnecessary risk of an Indian Surrogacy.

Ending discrimination in surrogacy laws

Debarring single persons and foreign nationals from being parents

will amount to rewriting laws which have been enacted by Parliament

Recent meetings on March 6 and 7 of departments and ministries of the Government of India, to discuss and review divergent views on the draft Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill, 2013 (ART Bill), have resulted in a proposal to revise the Bill with significant changes. The most crucial proposal is to restrict surrogacy in India to “infertile Indian married couples” only. Non-resident Indians (NRIs), Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) would be eligible but foreigners, unless they’re married to Indian citizens, will not. The purpose of this is to prevent exploitation of Indian women who may be tempted to take the risk of surrogacy in the face of financial hardships.
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