Ask a Case Manager: Simple Surrogacy’s Jill Errera

When you sign up with an agency like Simple Surrogacy, you aren’t just giving yourself a top-tier shot at successful alternative family planning. You’re also signing up to work with an array of experienced and talented professionals who all have the same goal: growing your family. But did you know that medical doctors are just one fraction of the people on your team? In fact, the person you will have the most direct contact with during the process is your case manager.

We sat down with Simple Surrogacy’s Jill Errera to talk about her own experiences as a Surrogate and as a case manager. 


  • What do you like about being a case manager for parents going through surrogacy? 


 I think if you ask any gestational Surrogate, they will tell you the best part of the journey is seeing the Intended Parents with their baby for the first time. It’s a feeling that can never be recreated, unless you do another journey. Obviously, there is a limit to how many journeys you can do. After four journeys of my own, I decided that I would still like to be part of the industry.  Although I am not the one giving birth, as a case manager, I still get to see the Intended Parents’ joy and excitement throughout the entire process. Getting to be part of each journey is a privilege and next best thing to being a Surrogate myself.


  • What do you think are important qualities and skills are for a good case manager? 


Good communication skills, patience and compassion are definitely the most important qualities for a case manager. This process is new to the majority of Intended Parents, so it is important to keep them updated and explain each step throughout the entire process. As you can imagine, there are times when things don’t go as planned or there are bumps in the road. It is important for a case manager to be available during those times, whether to talk things through and get reassurance, or just to listen.  


  • What are two or three things you would say to Intended Parents as advice to go through their surrogacy journey more easily and happily?  


My biggest piece of advice would be to have patience. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I know every Intended Parent comes into a program ready to have a baby now. Most have been dreaming about this for years and are excited to be at the point where they are actually doing it. There are so many important parts that go into getting to your transfer cycle. The agency and your case manager are there to make sure nothing is missed and your journey goes smoothly, so know that they have the same goal as you do, and are working to get you there as efficiently as possible. Some things can’t be rushed.  

I would also let Intended Parents know that there will be bumps in the road. While science is amazing, it is not perfect. We are dealing with biology and sometimes things don’t cooperate.  From time to time, an Intended Parent might have a failed cycle or their Surrogate doesn’t respond to medications as they should, etc. When you encounter bumps, listen to your fertility doctor and lean on your case manager to get you over the bumps. It may take some time, but your team will get you over the bumps and in most cases, onto creating your family.

If you are interested in exploring surrogacy, the team at Simple Surrogacy is ready and waiting to hear more about how we can help you create the family of your dreams. 

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