Why is BMI Important If I Want to Become a Surrogate?

If you are considering becoming a surrogate mother with Simple Surrogacy, you have probably already reviewed the requirements that you must meet to be accepted.  You might be wondering why BMI, otherwise known as body mass index, matters if you want to be a surrogate? It turns out, BMI is a pretty good indicator of a woman’s overall health. We will explain the importance of surrogate mothers having a healthy BMI here.

What, Exactly, is BMI?

BMI, short for body mass index, comes from a mathematical formula created in the 1830s by Belgian scientist Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet. Its purpose is to determine if a person is at a healthy weight by dividing their weight (in kilograms) by their height (in meters squared). Indicators are as follows:

  • A BMI of 18.49 or lower indicates that a person is underweight.
  • A BMI of 18.5 to 24.99 indicates that a person is of normal weight.
  • A BMI of 25 to 29.99 indicates that a person is overweight.
  • A BMI of 30 or more indicates that a person is obese (Class I obesity).
  • A BMI of 35 or above indicates Class II obesity.

For over 100 years, BMI has been used to determine a person’s health. It isn’t always completely accurate, however, as BMI does not take into account the amount of body fat or muscle a person has. It is still a good predictor of overall health and has been a reliable medical standard.

Why 33?

At Simple Surrogacy, our requirement for surrogates is that your BMI is 33 or lower. This is because historical scientific studies have shown that women with BMIs of 33 or lower tend to have healthier, easier pregnancies than women with BMIs higher than 33. We also realize that while BMI is a good predictor of a woman’s health, it is not absolute. Other factors must be taken into consideration, such as experiences during previous pregnancies.

Studies have shown that a woman with a BMI of 35 or above, who is categorized as being within Class II obesity, can take twice as long to conceive as a woman with a BMI of 33 or below. Likewise, an underweight woman with a BMI of less than 19 can take up to four times longer to conceive a child. Doctors also note that women in Class II or higher obesity categories are at a higher risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and other conditions that can make pregnancy high-risk.

Higher BMI can also make the IVF process more complicated. Studies have shown that women with higher BMIs run a higher risk of IVF cycle cancellation and of miscarriage.

If it takes longer for a surrogate to conceive, more money, time and patience must be spent by the intended parents and everyone involved. Higher BMIs in surrogates can also make pregnancy unsafe. This is why Simple Surrogacy and other agencies have set 33 as the high end of BMI we accept for prospective surrogate mothers.

Become a Surrogate with Simple Surrogacy

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate with Simple Surrogacy, we invite you to contact us today! Call us at 1-866-41-SURRO or fill out our online form. A representative will get back to you soon to discuss our requirements for surrogates and how you can join us in helping intended parents to build the family of their dreams!


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